How Do Dogs Stay Cool?

How Do Dogs Stay Cool?

Arizona has significant highs throughout the year. The state warns us to take extra precautions through the summer season when heading outside. This extends to our pets. Our furry friends have a dense coat to carry around through that heat! Life can become...
Hiking With Your Dog in Arizona

Hiking With Your Dog in Arizona

Hiking with your dog is a good way for you both to get some exercise and build a stronger bond. Exercise like hiking is good for your dog in many ways. It helps them live longer, helps their joints stay limber, reduces the risk of heart disease and obesity, keeps away...
10 Fun Facts About Dogs

10 Fun Facts About Dogs

Goofy, regal, protective, or skittish, dogs are amazing friends to have. Whether you have owned dogs your whole life, or are just learning to love them, these ten fun facts will be sure to amaze. Test your knowledge and then show off your trivia skills next time...